Saturday, May 16, 2020
Influences of Beat Poetry to the Society Free Essay Example, 1000 words
The debate surrounding the obscenity of the Howl brought more fame and national interest on the works of the beat poets. Ginsberg s poem Howl had lines that talked about homosexual sex. These lines were of much concern to the authorities. Other beat poems such as naked lunch which was composed by Burroughs, dwelt much on drug use. Apart from lines of homosexuality, the beat poems also contained explicit descriptions of sexual practices. The victory in the courts ended an era of poetry censorship in the United States thereby giving composers freedom to come up with more beat poems of their choice (Zott 54). Other composers of beat poetry include Diane di Prima and Neal Cassandra. However, the most notable beat composers include William S. Burroughs and Jack Kerouac. They came up with some of the classic beat poetry pieces such as naked lunch and on the road . In addition, these artists participated in the writing of poetry as well as being part of the beats. The term beat gener ation was actually coined by Kerouac, where he described his status and those of his friends in the beat generation during the post-war years (Gray 67). On women empowerment, beat poems and beat generation members have been criticized for portraying American women as housewives. We will write a custom essay sample on Influences of Beat Poetry to the Society or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Career Values - 1552 Words
Over the course of the past few months, I believe that I have learned a lot about my values, career choices, and my possible future. Both The Values Survey and the Rokeach Assessment helped me to understand what category my most important values were in. After Completing the Values Survey, I can conclude that some of my most important work values are family, friendship, helping others, creativity, and knowledge and truth. I agree with those values being my top five values. They also relate to the career that I am hoping to pursue. I want to be a special needs teacher, which is a job that revolves around helping, and caring for others. My values are very important to me, and family and friends are very important. Without them, we would notâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Naviance, based off of my answers to certain questions, also said that I was an ENFJ. These letters stand for extrovert, intuitive, feeler, and judger. I do not completely agree with these results because for one, I am very shy. However, when I am with my close friends or family, I am not very shy at all. I am not sure how I feel about the intuitive part, because I think that there are some parts that are, and are not true. For example, I like to use my imagination, and consider new ideas. However, I do agree with the feeler part of my results because I want to do work that is meaningful, help others, make decisions based on my values, work in a supportive environment, and make efforts to understand others. I also partly agree with the judgers part. I like to do my work before relaxing. In naviance, the listed careers for me matched my aspirations because I want to be a special needs teacher.This is the job that I am currently very interested in pursuing. I want to help children learn, even if they need to be taught differently. However, one career did not. It was a funeral director, which is something I do not think I could do. It would be to sad for me to watch families suffer. I think that this was recommended for me because it is a job that involves helping others get through very difficult times. If I were to be a teacher, I believe that itShow MoreRelated My Career, My Career Interest, and the Value of a College Education2289 Words à |à 10 PagesMy Career, My Career Interest, and the Value of a College Education Abstract My career path has been chosen for me through heredity, as my length of time on Earth has been pre-determined by the Great Creator. How I choose to use this time will be referred to as my success statement of life. How I am remembered will depend on what I accomplish. In short, life is given, but not guaranteed. We all have the choices before us, which determine if life is easy or difficult. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Implementation of RFID
Question: Discuss about the Implementation of RFID technology by the US Company. Answer: Introduction RFID is an acronym that stands for radio-frequency identification (Kesh, 2017). The acronym refers to an electronic device that contains an antenna and a small chip. The chip has the capability of carrying around 2,000 bytes of data. It is a technology where the digital data is encoded in RFID tags and are captured through the radio waves by a reader. This technology is nearly same as that of the bar coding where the data is captured from a label that stores data in any database. RFID is more popular than that of the bar codes because of its advantages over the systems that use the bar code tracking software. The most significant factor of RFID is that the data can be read outside the line-of-sight where the bar codes have alignment with the optical scanner (Tucker, Darcy Stantic, 2014). The different types of RFIDs are the active, passive and bap RFID. The active RFID systems have tags where it has its own transmitter and power source. Active tags for the transmission of the information that are stored in the microchips broadcast the signals (Leavitt et al., 2017). Two types of active tags are beacons are transponders. The transponders respond when it receives a radio signal from the reader and sends a signal back. Passive RFID systems operate in the low frequency, ultra-high frequency as well as in the high frequency radio bands (Hsu Huang, 2013). The range of passive RFID system is limited because of the backscatter of the tag where the radio signal is reflected to the reader from the tag. It only requires a tag chip, an antenna, and no transmitter. Passive RFIDs are mounted on substrates and sandwiched between a paper level and adhesive layer. BAP or Battery Assisted Passive systems help in incorporation of the crucial active tag features. BAP tags make use of the integrated power supply to bring power on the chip. The captured energy taken from the reader is used as backscatter. BAP tags do not contain own transmitters. Business/Technical problems There are tracking problems regarding assets that are solved by RFID technology (Holy, Bilek Voparil, 2014). A sophisticated technology helps in tracking assets effectively by mitigating any form of risks. The technology helps in attaching the RFID tags by storing information electronically in the small microchips. The problems and their solutions have been discussed below. There is a problem when an asset is not found in the warehouse and RFID technology gives a solution. The equipments are not stored in the correct manner and timeliness becomes very critical. These problems are solved by active as well as passive RFID. There are batteries in the active RFID tags that work all the time. Ultra-wide band RFID tags help in the location of the assets in the warehouse on the basis of the signals from many readers (Bisio, Sciarrone Zappatore, 2016). Many companies are having multiple warehouses. RFID helps in finding out the assets from the warehouses (Roper, Sedehi Ashuri, 2015). This system in conjunction with the global positioning system tags, Wi-Fi RFID tags and satellite GPS tags are used in the outdoors to know the building where the asset is in. Proper application of the RFID technology helps in the delivery of the assets on time. There are problems with bar codes and QR codes that are solved by RFID codes. Barcodes readers are required a direct line of sight for the printed barcode whereas the readers for RFID do not requires a direct line of sight (Singh Mahajan, 2017). The readers of RFID are able to are able to interrogate and read the RFID tags faster than the barcodes. Another problem with the barcode is that the range is very less for reading and this problem is mitigated by RFID, which can read at long distances. Another problem with the barcode is that it has no reading or writing capability. RFID readers are able to communicate freely using the codes and tags. QR codes on the other hand, lack the automation ability for the purpose of proximity scanning. The line of sight is another drawback of QR codes that are solved by RFID codes. Limitations There are certain limitations of RFID technology that have been discussed below. Many scientists are working hard to mitigate the issues regarding RFID. Standardization There has been a limitation regarding the standardization of the RFID code. The Auto-ID center along with the Uniform Code Council and EAN International is trying to set some standardized electronic product code but it has not yet been standardized. The solution can be setting up a standard regarding the RFID code at the earliest that can be abide by every organization. Physical The physical limitation includes reading through the metals and liquids. This poses a serious challenge for the users of this technology. Killer tags, Sleeping tags and Faraday Cage are the solutions of the physical security problems of RFID codes. Cost The cost of the RFID tags relies on their types. The prices of the active as well as the passive RFID tags acts as hindrances that allows the economic application for scanning high-value goods for long ranges. QR codes are cheaper than the RFID codes and can be used in many cases. Collision This is another important limitation to be considered in case of RFID technology. In an attempt to read, multiple tags at the same time may lead to signal collision and data loss at the end. Anti-collision algorithms are used for the prevention of all these art extra costs. The solution can be that the RFID code should be programmed in such a way that the given tag should be read only once in every session. Frequency There are problems with RFID regarding frequency. Radar malfunctioning is an important factor to be considered in this case. This cannot be avoided completely and alternative measures cannot be taken when required. Adverse environmental conditions as well as improper placement may lead to corrupt reading. There are certain cases like absorption and external signal sources such as security systems, barcode scanners and cordless phones have the chances of introduction of reading errors. The solution for this should be to audit the frequency spectrums that have been used by the devices within the environment of deployment. Review of the performances of the RFID components and the RFID systems helps in mitigating the problem. Other limitations are that it is very difficult to understand the technology and can be less reliable at times. The tags are specific to the applications and there are no tags that fit all. There is a chance that more than one tag may respond at the same time and it will be a problem. The tags of RFID are larger than the labels of barcodes. The active tags are very expensive in comparison to the passive tags. Evaluation GAP used the RFID platform effectively. There were item-level RFID trials in the company. There was problem initially with the RFID as it was unable to deliver 100 percent read rate on clothing items. Two interrogator antennas were installed along with the other ones. They were able to achieve the necessary level of reading accuracy. The inventory accuracy level of the US company was able to achieve 99.6 percent. It helped in increasing the sales of the company and improving the in-store inventory. Assessment RFID has changed the retail landscape and brought radical changes. It helps in tacking the high-end products for the accurate inventory level. Beacon technology helps in the efforts of in-store digital marketing (Hofacker et al., 2016). It also provides assistance in assessing the effectiveness of displays, layout of the stores and endcaps in real-time. RFID also gives the intelligence required for the effective management of the inventory. RFID also helped the banking sector to succeed in various ways like applications in the cheques between the banks, customer relationship management, money transferring system, tracking and tracing, and reduction of manual operation, contactless smartcards, phone banking, security establishment and identification of people. The data are stored in the RFID tags that are attached with the Smart cards of the customers. The data can be read easily using the radio signals. RFID has helped the hospitality industry by improving the operational efficiencies and enhancing the guest experiences of an organization (Cobos et al., 2016). RFID helps in tracking many items with accuracy in unlimited ways. Conclusion The report has inferred about the RFID technology that is very popular in organizations irrespective of any industry. It has discussed about the working principle of RFID technology in depth that gives an insight into how the different parts like active, passive and BAP works. Some of the technical and business problems have been taken into account and their solutions have been stated. The implementation of RFID technology by the US company, GAP helps us to know about how the company has been successful in its inventory management using the technology. The success factors of the retail, hospitality and the banking industries because of the implementation of RFID technology have been taken into account in the report. This report put forward the advantages and the necessity of RFID technology and the areas that need to be addressed to make the technology more user-friendly. References Bisio, I., Sciarrone, A., Zappatore, S. (2016). A new asset tracking architecture integrating RFID, Bluetooth Low Energy tags and ad hoc smartphone applications.Pervasive and Mobile Computing,31, 79-93. Cobos, L. M., Mejia, C., Ozturk, A. B., Wang, Y. (2016). A technology adoption and implementation process in an independent hotel chain.International Journal of Hospitality Management,57, 93-105. Hofacker, C. F., De Ruyter, K., Lurie, N. H., Manchanda, P., Donaldson, J. (2016). Gamification and mobile marketing effectiveness.Journal of Interactive Marketing,34, 25-36. Holy, R., Bilek, P., Voparil, L. (2014). Electronic inventory in the university environment and automation using RFID technology. InIntelligent Green Building and Smart Grid (IGBSG), 2014 International Conference on(pp. 1-4). IEEE. Hsu, H. T., Huang, T. J. (2013). A koch-shaped log-periodic dipole array (LPDA) antenna for universal ultra-high-frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) handheld reader.IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,61(9), 4852-4856. Kesh, S. (2017). Shopping By Blind People: Detection of Interactions in Ambient Assisted Living Environments using RFID.International Journal,6(2). Leavitt, M., Warner, M., Rea, D., Patel, K., Wen, Y. (2017).U.S. Patent No. 9,534,738. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Roper, K. O., Sedehi, A., Ashuri, B. (2015). A cost-benefit case for RFID implementation in hospitals: adapting to industry reform.Facilities,33(5/6), 367-388. Singh, M. N. K., Mahajan, P. (2017). Application of RFID technology in libraries.Modern Technologies for Reshaping Libraries in the Digital Era, 70. Tucker, S., Darcy, P., Stantic, B. (2014). A comparative study of RFID technology measuring efficiency and acceptance when capturing attendance. InProceedings of the Thirty-Seventh Australasian Computer Science Conference-Volume 147(pp. 75-79). Australian Computer Society, Inc..
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