Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Career Values - 1552 Words

Over the course of the past few months, I believe that I have learned a lot about my values, career choices, and my possible future. Both The Values Survey and the Rokeach Assessment helped me to understand what category my most important values were in. After Completing the Values Survey, I can conclude that some of my most important work values are family, friendship, helping others, creativity, and knowledge and truth. I agree with those values being my top five values. They also relate to the career that I am hoping to pursue. I want to be a special needs teacher, which is a job that revolves around helping, and caring for others. My values are very important to me, and family and friends are very important. Without them, we would not†¦show more content†¦Naviance, based off of my answers to certain questions, also said that I was an ENFJ. These letters stand for extrovert, intuitive, feeler, and judger. I do not completely agree with these results because for one, I am very shy. However, when I am with my close friends or family, I am not very shy at all. I am not sure how I feel about the intuitive part, because I think that there are some parts that are, and are not true. For example, I like to use my imagination, and consider new ideas. However, I do agree with the feeler part of my results because I want to do work that is meaningful, help others, make decisions based on my values, work in a supportive environment, and make efforts to understand others. I also partly agree with the judgers part. I like to do my work before relaxing. In naviance, the listed careers for me matched my aspirations because I want to be a special needs teacher.This is the job that I am currently very interested in pursuing. I want to help children learn, even if they need to be taught differently. However, one career did not. It was a funeral director, which is something I do not think I could do. It would be to sad for me to watch families suffer. 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